IBM Books

Using and Configuring Features Version 3.4

Using DHCP Server

This chapter describes how to use the DHCP Server. It includes the following sections:

Introduction to DHCP

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a client/server protocol that is based upon the Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP). The DHCP server provides centrally controlled reusable IP addresses and other TCP/IP configuration information for DHCP clients. Its functionality can alleviate the burden that Network Managers have of distributing configuration information to new and existing users. This feature is compliant to RFC 2131 but supports many additional features not included in that document. There is also support for BOOTP clients as defined in RFC 951.

With DHCP, supporting clients can send broadcast DISCOVER messages to find DHCP servers in their network and subsequently be OFFERED their configuration data dynamically across the network. DHCP uses the well know BOOTP UDP ports (68 for the server and 67 for the client) to communicate requests and responses. DHCP clients and servers can use existing BOOTP relay agents to extend their service range. DHCP offers many advantages over statically configured networks, including the ability to support changing networks. Clients are only leased their IP addresses so when they no longer have a need for it or are moving to another subnet, the address can be RELEASED and made available for other clients to use.

DHCP Operation

DHCP allows clients to obtain IP network configuration information, including an IP address, from a central DHCP server. DHCP servers control whether the addresses they provide to clients are allocated permanently or are leased for a specific time period. When a client receives a leased address, it must periodically request that the server revalidate the address and renew the lease.

The processes of address allocation , leasing, and lease renewal are all handled by the DHCP client and server programs and are transparent to end-users. The clients use RFC architected messages to accept and use the options served them by the DHCP server. For example:

  1. The client broadcasts a message (containing its client ID) announcing its presence and requesting an IP address (DHCPDISCOVER message) and desired options such as subnet mask, domain name server, domain name and static route.
  2. Optionally, if routers on the network are configured to forward DHCP and BOOTP messages (using BOOTP Relay), the broadcast message is forwarded to DHCP servers on the attached networks.
  3. Each DHCP server that receives the client's DHCPDISCOVER message sends a DHCPOFFER message to the client offering an IP address. The DHCP server checks for duplicate IP addresses on the network before issuing an offer. The server checks the configuration file to see if it should assign a static or dynamic address to this client. In the case of a dynamic address, the server selects an address from the address pool, choosing the least recently used address. An address pool is a range of IP addresses to be leased to clients. In the case of a static address, the server uses a Client statement from the DHCP server configuration to assign options to the clients. Upon making the offer, the DHCP server reserves the offered address.
  4. The client receives the offer message(s) and selects the server it wants to use. When a DHCP client receives an offer, it makes note of how many of the requested options are included in the offer. The DHCP client continues to receive offers from DHCP servers for a period of 4 seconds after the first offer is received, making note of how many of the requested options are included in each offer. At the end of that time, the DHCP client compares all offers and selects the one that meets its criteria.
  5. The client broadcasts a message to indicate the server it selected and requests use of the IP address offered by that server (DHCPREQUEST message).
  6. If a server receives a DHCPREQUEST message indicating that the client has accepted the server's offer, the server marks that address as leased. If the server receives a DHCPREQUEST message indicating that the client has accepted an offer from a different server, the server returns the address to the available pool. If no message is received within a specified time, the server returns the address to the available pool. The selected server sends an acknowledgment which contains additional configurations information to the client (DHCPACK message).
  7. The client determines whether the configuration information is valid. Upon receipt of a DHCPACK message, the DHCP clients sends an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) request to the supplied IP address to see if it is already in use. If it receives a response to the ARP request, the client declines (DHCPDECLINE message) the offer and initiates the process again. Otherwise, the client accepts the configuration information.
  8. Accepting a valid lease, the client enters a BINDING state with the DHCP server, and proceeds to use the IP address and options. If the DHCP client is a Dynamic-Address client, the DHCP client notifies the Dynamic Domain Name Server of its host name-to-IP address mapping.

To DHCP clients that request options, the DHCP server typically provides options that include subnet mask, domain name server, domain name, static route, class-identifier (which indicates a particular vendor), and user class.

However a DHCP client can request its own, unique set of options. For example, Windows NT 3.5.1 DHCP clients are required to request options. The default set of client requested DHCP options provided by IBM includes subnet mask, domain name server, domain name, and static route. For option descriptions, see "DHCP Options".

Lease Renewals

The DHCP client keeps track of how much time is remaining on the lease. At a specified time prior to the expiration of the lease, usually when half of the lease time has passed, the client sends a renewal request, containing its current IP address and configuration information, to the leasing server. If the server responds with a lease offer, the DHCP client's lease is renewed.

If the DHCP server explicitly refuses the request, the DHCP client may continue to use the IP address until the lease time expires and then initiate the address request process, including broadcasting the address request. If the server is unreachable, the client may continue to use the assigned address until the lease expires.

Client Movement

One benefit of DHCP is the freedom it provides a client host to move from one subnet to another without having to know ahead of time what IP configuration information it needs on the new subnet. As long as the subnets to which a host relocates have access to a DHCP server, a DHCP client will automatically configure itself correctly to access those subnets.

In order for DHCP clients to reconfigure to access a new subnet, the client host must be rebooted. When a host restarts on a new subnet, the DHCP clients tries to renew its old lease with the DHCP server which originally allocated the address. The server refuses to renew the request since the address is not valid on the new subnet. Receiving no server response or instructions from the DHCP server, the client initiates the IP address request process to obtain a new IP address and access the network.

Changing Server Options

With DHCP, you can make changes at the server, reinitialize the server, and distribute the changes to all the appropriate clients. A DHCP client retains DHCP option values assigned by the DHCP server for the duration of the lease. If you implement configuration changes at the server while a client is already up and running, those changes are not processed by the DHCP client until the clients attempts to renew its lease or until it is restarted.
Note:If the server does not contain a Hard File or Flash Storage card and it is reinitialized (using the t 5 reset dhcp command), the lease time information displayed by the router will be lost until the DHCP clients renew their lease.

Number of DHCP servers

The number of servers that you need will depend largely on the number of subnets you have, the number of DHCP clients you plan to support, whether you use BOOTP Relay, and the lease time you choose. Keep in mind that the DHCP protocol does not currently define server-to-server communication. Thus, they cannot share information, nor can one DHCP server perform as a "hot backup" in the event the other one fails. DHCP clients send broadcast messages. By design, broadcast messages do not cross subnets. To allow the client's messages to be forwarded outside its subnet, additional routers must be configured to forward DHCP requests using the BOOTP Relay agent. Otherwise, you will need to configure a DHCP server on each subnet.

A Single DHCP server

If you choose to use a single DHCP server to serve hosts on a subnet, consider the effects if the single server fails. Generally, the failure of a server will affect only DHCP clients that are attempting to join the network. Typically, DHCP clients already on the network will continue operating unaffected until their lease expires. However, clients with a short lease time may lose their network access before the server can be restarted. To minimize the impact of server downtime if you have only one DHCP server for a subnet, you should choose a sufficiently long lease time to allow time to restart or respond to the failed DHCP server.

Multiple DHCP servers

To avoid a single point of failure, you can configure two or more DHCP servers to serve the same subnet. If one server fails, the other can continue to serve the subnet. Each of the DHCP servers must be accessible either by direct attachment to the subnet or by using a BOOTP Relay agent.

Because two DHCP servers cannot serve the same addresses, address pools defined for a subnet must be unique across DHCP servers. Therefore, when using two or more DHCP servers to serve a particular subnet, the complete list of addresses for that subnet must be divided among the servers. For example, you could configure one server with an address pool consisting of 70% of the available addresses for the subnet and the other server with an address pool consisting of the remaining 30% of the available addresses.

Using multiple DHCP servers decreases the probability of having a DHCP related network access failure, but does not guarantee against it. If a DHCP server for a particular subnet fails, the other DHCP server may not be able to service all the requests from new clients which may, for example , exhaust the server's limited pool of available addresses.

However, you can bias which DHCP server exhausts it pool of addresses first. DHCP clients tend to select the DHCP server offering more options. To bias service toward the DHCP server with 70% of the available addresses, offer fewer DHCP options from the server holding 30% of the available addresses for the subnet.

BOOTP Servers

If you already have BOOTP clients and servers in your network, you may want to consider replacing your BOOTP servers with DHCP servers. DHCP servers can optionally serve BOOTP clients the same IP configuration information as current BOOTP servers. If you cannot replace your BOOTP servers with DHCP servers and want to have both serve your network, the following precautions are recommended:

A DHCP server allocates a permanent IP address to a BOOTP client. In the event that subnets are renumbered in such a way that a BOOTP assigned address is unusable, the BOOTP client must restart and obtain a new IP address.

Special DHCP Clients

You may have DHCP clients or Network Servers which have individual or special administrative needs, such as:

Lease Times

The default lease time is 24 hours. Keep in mind that the DHCP lease time can affect your network operation and performance:

The lease time you choose depends largely on your needs, including:

For complex networks that need to support a combination of host leasing requirements, you can define DHCP classes.

Concepts and Terminology

The following concepts are used to describe the DHCP server function:

The term scope, when discussing the DHCP server Configuration, will be used to identify what a certain parameter value pertains to. Figure 49 illustrates the following scopes:

Figure 49. Scope Concepts

Figure AMO4A100 not displayed.

A subnet defines the parameters for an address pool administered by a DHCP server. An address pool is a range of IP addresses to be leased to clients. Parameters that can be specified include the lease time and other options for clients using the address pool. The lease time and other options can be inherited from the global scope.

Subnet Groups
A subnet group is a way to identify multiple subnets that are to be grouped together on the same interface. All the subnets in a given group are given the same subnet group name and a unique priority. The priority is used to determine the order addresses are given out according to the address policy the group is associated with. A subnet can belong to one of two address policies:

A class defines the parameters for a user defined group of clients, administered by the DHCP server. Classes can be defined under the global or a subnet scope. When a class is defined within a subnet scope, the DHCP server will only serve clients in the class that are both located in the specified subnet and request the class. Only classes that are defined within a subnet's scope can specify a range of addresses. The range can be either a subset of the subnet range or can be equal to the subnet range. A client that requests an IP address from a class which has exhausted its range is offered an IP address from the subnet range, if available. The client is offered the options associated with the exhausted class.

A client can be used to:

Each client has a specified hardware type, client id and IP address. The hardware types are defined in RFC 1340 and are shown below. For all hardware types besides 0, the client ID is the hardware address of the endstation (or MAC address). For hardware type of 0, the client id is a character string. Typically, this would be a domain name.

When defining a client, you are prompted for either an IP address, any or none. If you define an IP address, that IP address is reserved for that client. If you choose any, then that client will be given any available IP address within that subnet. If you have several subnets records defined within the same subnet, each having a unique range, then a client that is configured with any will get the first available address within the subnet, not necessarily from the range of the specific subnet record that the client is defined under. If you choose none, then that end station will not be served any IP address at all. To exclude an IP address from being administered, you would define a client record with a hardware type and client id of 0.

Hardware types that are defined by RFC1340 and that pertain to the IBM 2212 are:

Hardware Type                               Value
-------------                               -----
Reserved                                    0
Ethernet                                    1
IEEE 802 Networks (including Token Ring)    6

For the complete list, refer to RFC 1340.

DHCP Server and Lease Parameters

The following DHCP server parameters can be defined at the global level:

See "Set" for a description of these parameters.

DHCP Options

DHCP allows you to specify options to provide additional configuration information to a client. The options are defined in RFC 2132 and various other RFCs.

Option Formats

All options expect the configuration data to be in one of the following formats:


IP address
A single IP address in dotted-decimal notation.

IP addresses
One or more IP addresses in dotted-decimal notation, separated by blanks.

IP address pair
Two IP addresses in dotted-decimal notation, separated by blanks.

IP address pairs
One or more IP address pairs, each pair separated from another by a blank.

0 or 1 (True or False).

A decimal number between -128 and 127 (inclusive).

Unsigned byte
A decimal number between 0 and 255 (inclusive). You cannot specify a negative value for an unsigned byte.

List of unsigned bytes
One or more decimal numbers between 0 and 255 (inclusive) separated by blanks. You cannot specify a negative number for an unsigned byte.

A decimal number between -32768 and 32767 (inclusive).

Unsigned short
A decimal number between 0 and 65535 (inclusive). You cannot specify a negative number for an unsigned short.

List of unsigned shorts
One or more decimal numbers between 0 and 65535 (inclusive) separated by blanks. You cannot specify a negative number for an unsigned short.

A decimal value between -2147483648 and 2147483647 (inclusive).

Unsigned long
A decimal number between 0 and 4294967295 (inclusive). You cannot specify a negative number for an unsigned long.

A string of characters.

Indicates no specification is needed because the client generates this information.

Each DHCP option is identified by a numeric code.

Architected options 0 through 127 and option 255 are reserved for definitions by RFCs. The DHCP server, the DHCP client, or both server and client use options in this set. Some architected options can be modified by the administrator. Other options are for exclusive use by the client and server.
Note:Hexadecimal values are not allowed for architected options with known formats.

Options that the administrator cannot or should not configure at the DHCP server include:

Option Overload

DHCP message type

Server identifier

Parameter request list


Maximum DHCP message size

Class identifier

Options 128 through 254 represent user-defined options that can be defined by administrators to pass information to the DHCP client to implement site-specific configuration parameters.

Additionally, IBM provides a set of IBM-specific options such as option 192: TXT RR

The format of a user-defined option is:


code value


Any option code from 1 through 254, except codes that are already defined in a RFC.

Must always be a string. At the server, it can be an ASCII string or a hexadecimal string. At the client, however, it always appears as a hexadecimal string as passed to the processing program.

The server passes the specified value to the client. However, a program or command file must be created to process the value.

Base Options Provided to the Client

The following base options are provided to the client. See "Option Formats" for a description of the configuration format.

Subnet Mask This option is specified only at the DHCP server. The client's subnet mask, specified in a 32-bit dotted-decimal notation. Although not required, in most configurations the DHCP server should send option 1, subnet mask, to the DHCP clients. Client operation may be unpredictable if the client receives no subnet mask from the DHCP server and assumes a subnet mask that is not appropriate of the subnet. If not specified, the client used the default subnet masks:

Option format: IP addresses

Time Offset This options is specified only at the DHCP server. The offset (in seconds) of the client's subnet from Coordinated Universal Time (CUT). The offset is a signed 32-bit integer.

Option format: Long

Router This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of the routers on the client's subnet.

Option format: IP addresses

Time Server This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of the time servers available to the client.

Option format: IP addresses

Name Server This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of the IEN 116 name servers available to the client.
Note:This is not the Domain Name Server option. Use Option 6 to specify a Domain name server.

Option format: IP addresses

Domain Name Server This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of the Domain Name System servers available to the client.

Option format: IP addresses or un-numbered IP interfaceaddress (for example,
Note:If dynamic-address is enabled in the IP configuration for a PPP interface, you may be able to retrieve a Primary and Secondary DNS address using IPCP from an Internet Service Provider (ISP). To pass these DNS addresses along to the DHCP clients, you must configure option 6 with an un-numbered IP interface address (such as 0.0.0.n) that corresponds to the Dynamic-Address interface. The DHCP server will convert this to the value retrieved from the ISP when the client sends a request. Enabling Simple-Internet-Access in the IP configuration will configure option 6 with the un-numbered IP interface automatically. Any client requesting its configuration information from this Server prior to the PPP interface activating, will be offered a shortened lease time (3 minutes) to allow time for the PPP connection and IPCP to complete. After the DNS addresses are learned, configured lease times will be offered.

Log Server This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of the MIT-LCS UDP Log servers available to the client.

Option format: IP addresses

Cookie Server This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of the Cookie, or quote-of -the-day servers available to the client.

Option format: IP addresses

LPR Server This option can be specified at both the DHCP client and DHCP server. However, if specified only at the DHCP client, the configuration will be incomplete. IP addresses (in order of preference) of the line printer servers available to the client. Option 9 eliminates the need for clients to specify the LPR_SERVER environment variable.

Option format: IP addresses

Impress Server This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of the Imagen Impress servers available to the client.

Option format: IP addresses

Resource Location Server This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of the Resource Location (RLP) servers available to the client. RLP servers allow clients to locate resources that provide a specified service, such as a domain name server.

Option format: IP addresses

Host Name This option can be specified at both the DHCP client and the DHCP server. If the DHCP client does not provide a host name, the DHCP server ignores option 12. Host name of the client (which may include the local domain name). The minimum length for the host name option is 1 octet and the maximum is 32 characters. See RFC 1035 for character set restrictions.

Option format: String

Boot File Size This option is specified only at the DHCP server. The length (in 512-octet blocks) of the default boot configuration file for the client.

Option format: Unsigned short

Merit Dump File This option is specified only at the DHCP server. The path name of the merit dump file in which the client's core image is stored if the client crashes. The path is formatted as a character string consisting of characters from the Network Virtual Terminal (NVT) ASCII character set. The minimum length is 1 octet.

Option format: String

Domain Name This option is specified at both the DHCP client and the DHCP server. If no value is specified at the DHCP server in option 15, the client is required to provide a value for option 12, host name, and option 15, domain name. This statement may appear within the global scope, or with a Subnet, Class or Client scope.

Option format: String

Swap Server This option is specified only at the DHCP server. The IP address of the client's swap server.

Option format: IP address

Root Path This option is specified only at the DHCP server. The path that contains the client's root disk. The path is formatted as a character string consisting of characters from the NVT ASCII character set. The minimum length is 1 octet.

Option format: String

Extension Path This option is specified only at the DHCP server. The extension path option specifies a string that can be used to identify a file that is retrievable using the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP). The minimum length is 1 octet.

Option format: String

IP Layer Parameters per Host Options

IP Forwarding This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Enable (1) or disable (0) forwarding by the client of its IP layer packets.

Option format: Boolean

Non-Local Source Routing This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Enable (1) or disable (0) forwarding by the client of its IP layer data grams with non-local source routes.

Option format: Boolean

Policy Filter This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP address-net mask pair used to filter data grams with non-local source routes. Any data gram whose next hop address does not match one of the filter pairs is discarded by the client. The minimum length for the policy filter option is 8 octets.

Option format: IP address pairs

Maximum Data gram Reassembly Size This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Maximum size data gram the client will reassemble. The minimum value is 576.

Option format: Unsigned short

Default IP Time-to-Live This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Default time-to-live (TTL) the client uses on outgoing data grams. TTL is an octet with a value between 1 and 255.

Option format: Unsigned byte

Path MTU Aging Timeout This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Timeout in seconds used to age Path Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) values discovered by the mechanism that is described in RFC 1191.

Option format: Unsigned long

Path MTU Plateau Table This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Table of MTU sizes to sue in Path MTU discover as defined in RFC 1191. The minimum MTU value is 68. The minimum length for the path MTU plateau table option is 2 octets. The length must be a multiple of 2.

Option format: Unsigned short

IP Layer Parameters per Interface Options

Interface MTU This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) to sue on this interface. The minimum MTU value is 68.

Option format: Unsigned short

All Subnets are Local This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Client assumes (1) or does not assume (0) all subnets use the same Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU). A value of 0 means the client assumes some subnets have smaller MTUs.

Option format: Boolean

Broadcast Address This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Broadcast address used on the client's subnet.

Option format: IP address

Perform Mask Discovery This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Clients performs (1) or does not perform (0) subnet mask discovery using Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP).

Option format: Boolean

Mask Supplier This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Client responds (1) or does not respond (0) to subnet mask requests using Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP).

Option format: Boolean

Perform Router Discovery This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Client solicits (1) or does not solicit (0) routers using router discovery as defined in RFC 1256.

Option format: Boolean

Router Solicitation Address This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Address to which a client transmits router solicitation requests.

Option format: IP address

Static Route This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Static routes (designation address-router pairs in order of preference) the client installs in its routing cache. The first address is the destination address and the second address is the router for the destination. Do not specify as a default route destination.

Option format: IP address pairs

Link Layer Parameters per Interface Options

Trailer Encapsulation This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Client negotiates (1) or does not negotiate (0) the use of trailers when using Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). For more information see RFC 893.

Option format: Boolean

ARP Cache Timeout This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Timeout in seconds for Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache entries.

Option format: Unsigned long

Ethernet Encapsulation This option is specified only at the DHCP server. For an Ethernet interface, client uses IEEE 802.3 (1) Ethernet encapsulation described in RFC 1042 or Ethernet V2 (0) encapsulation described in RFC 894.

Option format: Boolean

TCP Parameter Options

TCP Default TTL This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Default time-to-live (TTL) the client uses for sending TCP segments.

Option format: Unsigned byte

TCP Keep-alive Interval This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Interval in seconds the client waits before sending a keep-alive message on a TCP connection. A value of 0 indicates the client does not send keep-alive messages unless requested by the application.

Option format: Unsigned long

TCP Keep-alive Garbage This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Client sends (1) or does not send (0) TCP keep-alive messages that contain an octet of garbage for compatibility with previous implementations.

Option format: Boolean

Application and Service Parameter Options

Network Information Service Domain This option is specified only at the DHCP server. The client's Network Information Service (NIS) domain. The domain is formatted as a character string consisting of characters from the NVT ASCII character set. The minimum length is 1 octet.

Option format: String

Network Information Service Domain This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of Network Information Service (NIS) servers available to the client.

Option format: IP addresses

Network Time Protocol Servers This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers available to the client.

Option format: IP addresses

Vendor-Specific Information Option 43 is specified only at the DHCP server, which returns this option to a client that sends option 60, Class Identifier. This information option is used by clients and servers to exchange vendor-specific information, which is specified in the vendor-option definition. Considerations in using Option 43 to encapsulate vendor information are:

Servers that cannot interpret the vendor-specific information sent by a client must ignore it. Clients that do not receive desired vendor-specific information should attempt to operate without it. Refer to RFC 2131 and RFC 2132 for additional information about this option.
Note:Because of these considerations, IBM instead uses options 192 and 200 for IBM-specific options.

Option format: String

NetBIOS over TCP/IP Name Server This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of NetBIOS name servers (NBNS) available to the client.

Option format: IP addresses

NetBIOS over TCP/IP Datagram Distribution Server This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of NetBIOS data gram distribution (NBDD) name servers available to the client.

Option format: IP addresses

NetBIOS over TCP/IP Node Type This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Node type used for NetBIOS over TCP/IP configurable clients as described in RFC 1001 and RFC 1002. Values to specify client types include:

Option format: Unsigned byte

NetBIOS over TCP/IP Scope This option is specified only at the DHCP server. NetBIOS over TCP/IP scope parameter for the client, as specified in RFC 1001/1002. The minimum length is 1 octet.

Option format: Unsigned byte

X Window System Font Server This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of X Window System font servers available to the client.

Option format: IP addresses

Window System Display Manager This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of systems running X Window System Display Manager available to the client.

Option format: IP addresses

DHCP Extensions Options

Requested IP Address This option is specified only at the DHCP client. The DHCP server can refuse a DHCP client request for a specific IP address. Allows the client to request (DHCPDISCOVER) a particular IP address.

Option format: N/A

IP Address Lease Time This option can be specified at both the DHCP client and the DHCP server. The DHCP client can use option 51 to override the defaultLeaseInterval value the DHCP server offers. Allows the client to request (DHCPDISCOVER or DHCPREQUEST) a lease time for an IP address. In a reply (DHCPOFFER), a DHCP server uses the option to offer a lease time. This option may be specified within the global, subnet, class or client scope. Use X'ffffffff' to indicate an infinite (permanent) lease.

Option format: Unsigned long

Renewal (T1) Time Value This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Interval in seconds between the time the server assigns an address and the time the client transitions to the renewing state.

Option format: Unsigned long

Rebinding (T2) Time Value This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Interval in seconds between the time the server assigns an address and the time the clients enters the rebinding state.

Option format: Unsigned long

Class-Identifier This option is specified only at the DHCP client. This information is generated by the client and does not have to be specified. Type and configuration of the client, supplied by the client to the server. For example, the identifier may encode the client's vendor-specific hardware configuration. The information is a string of n octets, interpreted by servers. For example: hex: X'01' X'02' X'03'. Servers not equipped to interpret the class-specific information sent by a client must ignore it. The minimum length is 1 octet.

Option format: N/A

Client Identifier This option can be specified at both the DHCP client and the DHCP server. The DHCP client can use option 61 to specify the unique client identifier. The DHCP server can use option 61 to index the database of address bindings. This value is expected to be unique for all clients in an administrative domain.

Option format: String

NetWare/IP Domain Name This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Netware/IP Domain Name. The minimum length is 1 octet and the maximum length is 255

Option format: String

NetWare/IP This option is specified only at the DHCP server. A general purpose option code used to convey all the NetWare/IP related information except for the NetWare/IP domain name. A number of NetWare/IP sub-options will be conveyed using the option code. The minimum length is 1 and the maximum length is 255.

Option format: String

NIS domain Name This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Network Information Service (NIS)+ V3 client domain name. The domain is formatted as a character string consisting of characters from the NVT ASCII character set. Its minimum length is 1.

Option format: String

NIS Servers This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of Network Information Service (NIS+ V3 servers available to the client.

Option format: IP addresses

Server Name This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server name used when the "sname" field in the DHCP header has been used for DHCP options.

Option format: String

Boot File Name This option is specified only at the DHCP server. Name of the boot file when the file field in the DHCP header has been used for the DHCP options. The minimum length is 1.
Note:Use this option to pass a boot file name to a DHCP client. The boot file name is required to contain the fully-qualified path name and be less than 128 characters in length. For example: option 67 c:\path\boot_file_name. This file contains information that can be interpreted in the same way as the 64-octet vendor-extension field within the BOOTP response, with the exception that the file length is limited to 128 characters by the BootP header.

Option format: String

Home Address This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of the mobile IP home agents available to the client. The option enables a mobile host to derive a Mobile home address, and determine the subnet mask for the home network. The usual length will be four octets, containing a single home agent's home address, but the length can be zero. A zero length indicates that no home agents are available.

Option format: IP addresses

SMTP Servers This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) servers available to the client.

Option format: IP addresses

POP3 Server This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of the Post Office Protocol (POP) servers available to the client.

Option format: IP addresses

NNTP Server This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of the Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) servers available to the client.

Option format: IP addresses

WWW Server This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of the World Wide Web (WWW) servers available to the client.

Option format: IP addresses

Finger Server This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of the Finger servers available to the client.

Option format: IP addresses

IRC Server This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) servers available to the client.

Option format: IP addresses

StreetTalk Server This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of the StreetTalk servers available to the client.

Option format: IP addresses

STDA Server This option is specified only at the DHCP server. IP addresses (in order of preference) of the StreetTalk Directory Assistance (STDA) servers available to the client.

Option format: IP addresses

User Class This option is specified only at the DHCP client. DHCP clients use option 77 to indicate to DHCP servers what class the host is a member of. The user class must be manually entered in the \DHCPCD.CFG file as the value for option 77 in order to receive parameters defined for the class at a DHCP server. The DHCPCD.CFG file is located in the ONDEMAND\SERVER\ETC directory.

Option format: String

Directory Agent This option is specified only at the DHCP server. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol provides a framework for passing configuration information to hosts on a TCP/IP network. Entities using the Service Location Protocol need to find out the address of Directory Agents in order to transact messages. In certain other instances they may need to discover the correct scope and naming authority to be used in conjunction with the service attributes and URLs which are exchanged using the Service Location Protocol. A directory agent has a particular scope, and may have knowledge about schemes defined by a particular name authority.

Option format: IP address

Service Scope This option is specified only at the DHCP server. This extension indicates a scope that should be used by a service agent, when responding to Service Request messages as specified by the Service Location Protocol.

Option format: String

Naming Authority This option is specified only at the DHCP server. This extension indicates a naming authority, which specifies the syntax for schemes that may be used in URLs for use by entities with the Service Location Protocol.

Option format: String

IBM-specific Options

IBM provides a set of IBM-specific options by defining options within the user-defined range (128-254). These options are used instead of defining a vendor option (option 43) for IBM. It is recommended that you do not redefine these options.

TXT RR If this option is specified at the DHCP server, the DHCP client user is required to complete the system administrator information fields. Note: This option is only supported by TCP/IP Version 4.1 for OS/2 clients. This option provides up to four required text labels or entry fields the system administrator can specify, such as the name of a user, the user's phone number, or other fields that the DDNS Client configuration program prompt the user for. These fields allow the system administrator to identify the actual person who configured the host name or other data. The DDNS configuration program does not display these fields unless the system administrator specifies them. This information is stored in a text record in the DNS. The pairs of field labels and data are required to fit within a single TXT resource record. The space available is divided evenly between the pairs. The value is also updated in file DDNSCLI.CFG on the Dynamic-Address client.

Option format: String

Vendor Options

The DHCP protocol provides a way to supply vendor-specific information to a DHCP client using RFC-architected options 43 and 60.

Option 60 is configured at a DHCP client and sent to the DHCP server to identify the client as one from a specific vendor.

Option 43 is configured at the DHCP server to define the vendor-specific information to be returned to the client in response to the client's option 60 request. For the Common Code DHCP server, option 43 is configured using the add vendor-option command. A vendor-option is only defined within the global scope. The vendor option consists of the name of the vendor and the option data. The option data has two formats:

Hex data
This is entered with the vendor name when the add vendor-option command is issued. The hex data must be entered as a hex string with blanks between the bytes: "01 AA 55"

Any DHCP option can be added to a vendor-option scope by the add option command.
Note:Hex data and options are mutually exclusive in a vendor definition. You can define one or the other, but not both.

Configuring IP for DHCP

In order for the DHCP server to successfully assign IP addresses and configuration information for clients on an added subnet, IP may have to be configured appropriately. This is necessary when the DHCP server is directly connected to a subnet that it is configured to support.

If a BOOTP relay agent is being used to forward DHCP request messages to this DHCP server, there may not be any required IP configuration to support a subnet that is not directly connected to the server.

Adding an IP Address

An IP address which falls within the DHCP configured subnet will need to be added to the connecting interface.


Using IP Simple-Internet-Access

If Simple-Internet-Access is enabled in IP and DHCP has not previously been configured, the following configuration will be automatically generated in the DHCP server. Simple-Internet-Access will also automatically configure the NAT feature and other IP filters and access controls. If DHCP is already configured there will be no changes/additions to the DHCP configuration. Refer to Using Simple Internet Access in the "Using IP" chapter in Protocol Configuration and Monitoring Reference Volume 1 for more information and restrictions.

Sample DHCP Server Configuration

ASCII Text File

This section provides a typical DHCP server configuration in an ASCII text format. This example is strictly for the purpose of illustration, to show a configuration in a format that may be familiar to you. The IBM 2212 does not support ASCII configurations.

You can use the blocked numbers ((1)) to relate the functions described in this ASCII example to the equivalent talk 6 configuration shown in "OPCON (Talk 6) Configuration".

(1) Configuration of Server parameters
leaseTimeDefault          120                  # 120 minutes
leaseExpireInterval       20 seconds
supportBOOTP              yes
supportUnlistedClients  yes
(2) Global options.  Passed to every client unless overridden at a lower scope.
option 15       ""         # domain name
option 6                         # dns server
class manager
  option 48
  option 9
  option 210  "manager_authority"   # site specific option given to all managers
(3) Vendor-options
vendor  XI-clients hex"01 02 03"
vendor XA-clients 
   option 23 100   # IP TTL
(4) A typical subnet 
        option 28         # broadcast address
        option 9
        option 51  200
(5) class manager defined at the subnet scope.  Option 9 here will override
the option 9 specified in the global manager class.
                 class manager
                option 9
(6) Programmers have their own subnet range
        class developers
                option 51       -1                # infinite lease.
                option 9         # printer used by the developers
(7) Example of a client that will accept any address but will have 
its own set of options.
client 6        0x10005aa4b9ab  ANY
        option 51 999
        option 1
(8) Exclude an address from service.
client 0       0     

OPCON (Talk 6) Configuration

The following is an example of the same configuration using talk 6.

(1) Configuration of Server parameters
Config>f dhcp-server              
DHCP server user configuration
DHCP Server config> enable dhcp
DHCP Server config>
DHCP Server config> set lease-time-default hours 2  
DHCP Server config>set lease-expire-interval seconds 20
DHCP Server config>set support-bootp yes
DHCP Server config>set support-unlisted-clients global yes
DHCP Server config>li glob
DHCP server Global Parameters
DHCP server enabled: Yes
Balance:  No subnet groups defined
Inorder:  No subnet groups defined
Canonical: No
Lease Expire Interval:  20 second(s)
Lease Time Default:     2 hour(s)
Support BOOTP Clients: Yes
Bootstrap Server: Not configured
Support Unlisted Clients: Yes
Ping Time:  1 second(s)
Used IP Address Expire Interval:  15 minute(s)
(2) Global options.  Passed to every client unless overridden at a lower scope.
DHCP Server config>add option global 15   
DHCP Server config>add option global 6
DHCP Server config>li option global
option  option
code    data
DHCP Server config>add class global   
Enter the class name []? manager
Class record with name manager has been added
DHCP Server config>add option class-global
Enter the class name []? manager
Enter the option code [1]? 48
Enter the option data []?
DHCP Server config>add option class-global 9
DHCP Server config>add option class-global manager 210 manager_authority
DHCP Server config>li class global manager
 Number of Options: 3
 option  option
 code    data
 210     manager_authority
(3) Vendor-options
DHCP Server config>add vendor-option XI-client       
Enter the vendor hex data []? 01 02 03
Vendor-option record with name XI-client has been added
DHCP Server config> add vendor-option XA-client
Enter the vendor hex data []? 
Vendor-option record with name XA-client has been added
DHCP Server config> add option vendor-option XA-client 23 100
DHCP Server config>li vendor-option all
vendor      hex
name        data
XI-client   01 02 03
DHCP Server config>li vendor-option det XA-client
vendor      hex
name        data
 Number of Options: 1
 option  option
 code    data
 23      100
(4) A typical subnet 
DHCP Server config>add subnet 
Enter the subnet name []? sub1
Enter the IP subnet []?
Enter the IP subnet mask []? 
Enter start of IP address range []?
Enter end of IP address range []?
Enter the subnet group name []? 
Subnet record with name sub1 has been added
DHCP Server config>
DHCP Server config> add option subnet
Enter the subnet name []? sub1
Enter the option code []? 28
Enter the option data []?
DHCP Server config> add option subnet 9 
DHCP Server config>add option subnet sub1 51 200
DHCP Server config>add class subnet
Enter the subnet name []? sub1
Enter the class name []? manager
Enter start of IP address range []?
Class record with name manager has been added
DHCP Server config>add option class-subnet sub1 manager
Enter the option code [1]? 9
Enter the option data []?
(6) Programmers have their own subnet range
DHCP Server config>add class subnet 
Enter the subnet name []? sub1
Enter the class name []? developers
Enter start of IP address range []?
Enter end of IP address range []?
Class record with name developers has been added
DHCP Server config>add option class-subnet sub1 developers 51 -1
DHCP Server config>add option class-subnet sub1 developers 9    
DHCP Server config>li subnet detailed sub1
subnet      subnet           subnet           starting         ending
name        address          mask             IP Addr          IP Addr
 Number of Classes: 2
  Number of Options: 1
  option  option
  code    data
  starting IP address:     
  ending   IP address:     
  Number of Options: 2
  option  option
  code    data
  51      -1
 Number of Options: 3
 option  option
 code    data
 51      200
(7) Example of a client that will accept any address but will have its own set of               options.
DHCP Server config>add client global
Enter the client name []? any-addr
Enter the client's hardware type (0 - 21) [1]? 6
Enter the client ID (MAC address or string) []? 10005aa4b9ab
Enter the client's IP address (IP address, any, none) []? any
DHCP Server config>add option client-global any-addr 51 999
DHCP Server config>add option client-global any-addr 1
(8) Exclude an address from service.
Enter the client name []? excl-addr
Enter the client's hardware type (0 - 21) [1]? 0
Enter the client ID (MAC address or string) []? 0
Enter the client's IP address (IP address, any, none) []?
 DHCP Server config>li cli all
client      client  client                         attached    IP
name        type   identifier                      to subnet   address
any-addr    6      10005aa4b9ab                                Any
excl-addr   0      0                                 
DHCP Server config>li client global any-addr
client      client  client                         IP
name        type   identifier                      address
any-addr    6      10005aa4b9ab                    Any
 Number of Options: 2
 option  option
 code    data
 51      999

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